How It Happened - 2

"Do I know you, Taff?" Ruby asked with a sly smile on her face.  She knew that Sir Taff was a good man but nowadays, many things had taught her that one does not trust anyone. If one trusted, they did that at their very own risk. She had seen betrayal all around her and had learned from it. She would not be wounded anymore by another person's duplicity.

That made Taff know for sure that Ruby had changed. He should have felt hurt by what she said, instead, Sir Taff felt proud of the princess yet again. And she was not like her father -- she was smarter and wiser. He knew that Ruby would not be the type that one would flatter and sway with sweet words. 

He chuckled -- in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere in the room. The expression on the [princess' face made him feel unsettled and he shifted his weight from one of his legs to the other.

"Do not laugh, Taff," Ruby said. "I have come to take this kingdom back from that- that murderer."