Ling Arrives

Ruby had gotten dressed and prepared herself for Ling's arrival. She made sure that Greta had set all the things that Ling would need for a pleasant stay and even for his dinner that evening. They would be dining together, Ruby decided as they had lots to talk about. Ruby even thought that lots of things needed to be cleared.

She was quite restless in her chambers and kept fondling the shirt that she had gotten out of Seth's chest. She couldn't wait but knew that she needed to be patient. Ruby looked out her window many times and watched her door – waiting for Mabon's return to tell her that Ling had arrived at Ziviel.

She heard a knock on her door and jerked as she turned around with her eyes widened as she expected the commander.

But Anthony stepped through when she permitted that the visitor could enter. 

Ruby's chest deflated as she waited for what he was going to say to her.