Them Again

Seth rolled his shoulders to ease the tension there when he saw the strange markings the men had. He didn't utter a word and continued to watch them. It was as if he wanted to see what would unfurl from the discussion they were having with Taff. 

Why were they outside the palace grounds? What required such secrecy and privacy that Taff didn't receive them inside the palace? Seth wondered if Mabon was aware of these strange visitors. He squinted his eyes as these thoughts traversed his mind.

One of the men's gaze met Seth's and the man obviously froze. It was as if he had been transfixed. The atmosphere around the area they all stood changed and the tension was almost palpable.

Taff was confused as to why one of the three men had become suddenly quiet. His gaze was fixated on a particular soot behind them and Taff turned around to see what the man was staring at in such a manner.