- Hana! why did you come? Says Shen Yue ignoring Jin Shin.
- I came to help you...I discovered that there is a small child here...I thought you might want help!
- Nickolas is at the neighbor's house for now! you can stay in the guest room!
- Ok...I think I'll go to my room so...the trip was long and I'm tired...speaking of which, they better called Tsumi...before she shows up here too. Says Hana happy.
- I'll call her then...thanks mom!
* Hana goes towards the guest room*
- You'll call your mother right away! I don't want her to come to my house! says Shen Yue angrily.
- You don't know how my mother changed for some time now! she is more understanding!
- Just believe seeing! I meant...I can't even believe it!
- I'm going to my room to sleep and I want you to call her... and I don't want her to come.
*Time break*
*Jin Shin picks up the phone and calls Tsumi, after ringing for a few seconds Tsumi answers*
- Hello? Mrs Shin speaking!
- Mom, it's me!
- What you want?
-I want you not to come to Fitz, you've already caused too much trouble!
- Okay, I would never go to this end of the world!
*Tsumi hangs up the phone and thinks to herself*
- I just don't go because I don't want to, where has a son ever said that to his mother!
* Jin Shin drops the phone on the table and heads to the kitchen for a glass of water, then takes a medicine bottle from the sink and takes it to the bedroom, when he enters he sees Shen Yue lying on the bed all sprawled out, then puts the glass of water together with the medicine bottle on the nightstand that is beside the head of the bed, after which he lies down on the bed on his back*
*Shen Yue narrates*
- I'm lying on my bed reflecting on my life and listening to Jin talk on the phone with Tsumi, after a few minutes I hear footsteps getting closer and closer to the room until I see him come in, I think he didn't notice I'm awake, I see him carrying a glass of water and a bottle that seems to be medicine, I feel the bed sink beside me and I realize that he had laid down, he was looking at the ceiling as if he couldn't sleep, right after turning me facing him, then I snuggle closer to him, pretend to be just sleeping and fidgeting like I'm accidentally doing it, then he wraps his arms around my waist.
*Jin Shin Narra*
As I lie in bed I start watching the ceiling, diving deep into my thoughts, until I notice Shen Yue snuggling closer to me, I feel a huge need to hug her right now, so I grab her waist and bring her closer to me .
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Shen Yue Narra
Right then I open my eyes and watch him, so Jin Shin realizes that I was awake all the time, Jin started to stare at me, right then he gives me a kiss on my forehead! after that he goes down to my lips, stroking with his left hand my neck and with his right hand he holds my strands of brownish blond hair tightly between his fingers, soon it doesn't take long for the kiss to heat up and go to something more evolved, Jin stays on top of me and starts making a trail of kisses over my body, soon I feel a slight pain in my neck after he takes a bite leaving a reddish mark that will probably turn purple! I feel his lips go down to my intimacy, I feel him inserting his fingers and starts making circular movements along with his mouth pressing my clitoris! Then he gently pulls the straps of my nightgown leaving me totally naked, I lock my legs around his waist making our bodies bump more and more, then he hits my G-spot and I end up moaning a little loudly and I end up scratching his back, after that he removes his sweatpants leaving only Box, I feel his member pulsing through the thin tissue, soon after he removes his member and positions it at the entrance and starts to hold me strong and slowly, after a few minutes he increases the speed making me reach the apex, he hits my G-spot 3 times, after a few seconds he also peaks, I lie down on his chest and we start talking naturally as if nothing had happened, then we fall asleep.
* Break of time*
* I see it's already morning, I get up and grab my cell phone on the nightstand and check the time, it's already 6:00 am so I walk to the bathroom, go into the shower box and lean the door slightly so that I don't wake up Jin, I start to take my shower, as soon as I go out I go to the mirror and wipe it with the tip of the towel so I can see my reflection, after I leave the bathroom and go to my not-too-large wardrobe and grab a pair of dark red pants and a blouse. of the same color, then I grab my white sneakers and my shoes, then I go to the bathroom and comb my hair in a clean ponytail then grab a black backpack and silently leave the room, go to the kitchen and get the vegetables that I had cut the day before and I put them in the backpack, then I leave the backpack on the separate table, I leave the house and go to the neighbor's house, then I ring the doorbell and after a few seconds, Luiza the neighbor appears at the door holding Nickolas hand. I take Nickolas hand and thank o to Luiza for taking care of him last night, when he got home:
-Nickolas, go get some more sleep! Jin Shin is in Mom's room, there's an aunt named Hana in the guest room, if she gets hungry, get some food from the fridge. Mom will bring food to dad's service!