Hall Masters

After leaving Yun Qianxue's chamber, Yun Lintian went straight to the treasury, which was located on the west side of the Misty Cloud Peak. The treasury was a seven-story pagoda with its outer appearance made by simple ancient woods. On the ground laid white marbles, looking extremely clean and vivid. This place might appeared ordinary and unsecured, but Yun Lintian was aware of the numerous traps scattered throughout the vicinity, some of which could easily end his life at any moment.

At the center of the first floor was a simple, two-meter-long wooden counter. Sitting behind it was an elegant, mature woman. Influenced by the sect's profound art, most of the women in the Misty Cloud Sect possessed an incomparably cold temperament. However, this particular woman exuded an extremely gentle aura, which made people feel at ease in her presence.

Her countenance could be described as noble and beautiful. A pair of slender eyes was filled with boundless tenderness, soft arch-shaped eyebrows, and a gentle smile hung on her petal-like lips. She was the Second Hall Master, Yun Qingrou.

All four Hall Masters of the sect specialized in different profound knowledge. They had a unique trait and were approachable despite possessing a high status. The First Hall Master, Yun Ruanyu, was an expert in teaching profound ways. Every disciple in the sect was taught by her, and when it came to battle tactics, she was also the most reliable one. It could be said that she was the brains of the sect.

The Second Hall Master, Yun Qingrou, was an excellent doctor, and she had a high attainment in alchemy. It could be said that she was Yun Lintian's master in the profound art of medicine, and she was one of the closest people to him, along with Yun Qianxue and Yun Meilan.

The Third Hall Master, Yun Huanxin, was an expert in spatial techniques. It was because of her unique Profound Vein, the Heavenly Void Profound Vein, that she was able to master the Space element, which was extremely rare among profound practitioners in Azure World.

Lastly, the Fourth Hall Master, Yun Lingwei, was a Heaven Profound Formation Master. Every profound formation within the sect was her effort. Normally, she served as a treasury guardian. Unless there was a new profound formation for her to set up, she rarely left the treasury.

"Eh? Second Aunt, why are you here?" Yun Lintian said as he walked into the treasury. He was surprised to see Yun Qingrou behind the counter instead of the Fourth Hall Master, who typically served as the guardian of the treasury. With the close relationship he had with all the upper echelons, Yun Lintian always treated them as his aunts.

Yun Qingrou raised her head slightly. A smile bloomed on her lips when she saw Yun Lintian. "Your Fourth Aunt is about to make a breakthrough. She went to prepare herself."

Yun Lintian smiled and said, "Then, I have to congratulate her in advance."

"She would love to hear that." Yun Qingrou responded and asked, "What brings you here?"

"I came here to retrieve some materials for the Heaven Suppressing Formation. Can you give me the list, Second Aunt?" Yun Lintian walked over to Yun Qingrou's side and took a seat in an empty chair.

"Here, you can take a look." Yun Qingrou handed him a large leather book that appeared ordinary.

Yun Lintian injected a trace of profound energy into it. The intricate ancient script suddenly materialized on the cover of the book before it mysteriously flipped open on its own. There was a lot of information written on each page. The list contained the currently available treasures stored in the treasury.

Skimming through the book for a while, Yun Lintian's brows furrowed as he discovered that the essential materials for the Heaven Suppressing Formation were missing. He turned to Yun Qingrou and said, "Second Aunt, we are short on many materials. I think we need to take a trip to the capital city."

"Oh? Really?" Yun Qingrou was surprised. She rarely served as a treasure guardian, so it was natural that she knew little about the treasury's situation. She said, "I heard our disciple was attacked by the Fire Spirit Snake this morning. I don't think we should go out during this period."

Yun Lintian nodded and said, "It's true. Our movement might arouse their suspicions." He thought for a moment and then said, "How about I go? We can activate a secret transmission point."

Yun Qingrou had a thoughtful expression. "You should ask the Sect Master about this. Although they don't know you, it doesn't mean you are safe out there. Your strength is too low to go out alone."

"I'll be careful. You don't have to worry, Second Aunt. No one would pay attention to an ordinary boy like me, and I don't think I would cause any problems by myself." Yun Lintian responded... Hmm? Why do I feel like I'm going to cause a problem out there? No way, I shouldn't have the legendary protagonist's problem magnet aura, right?

"It's pointless to say this to me. Your mother... ahem... Sect Master won't be at ease letting you go alone. You should know about that." Yun Qingrou gave a light chuckle.

Yun Lintian smiled wryly when he heard this. Thinking back to the past when he first descended the mountain. Yun Qianxue had mobilized six elders and two hall masters to protect him secretly. Yun Lintian did not know if there was any unfortunate soul who had perished attempting to rob him amidst this formidable lineup in the past.

"Well... I will talk to her." Yun Lintian spoke uncertainly.

Yun Qingrou said nothing further on this matter. Instead, she asked, "How is your progress? Is there any problem?"

Yun Lintian shook his head and said, "There is no problem with my practice. Rather, the problem lies in my limited talent." There wasn't even a slight agitation in his voice when talking about how untalented he was.

Yun Qingrou comforted, "Don't worry. I believe you will soar into the sky one day."

"Thank you, Second Aunt." Yun Lintian accepted with a smile, although he was secretly cursing the God of Transmigration for not providing him with plot armor.


Yun Lintian went back to his cabin near the cliff on the east side of the peak. He sat on the chair, pondering his next move. The trip to the Heavenly Fortune Capital City was fraught with dangers, and he could potentially lose his life at any moment due to his current lack of strength.

During this trip, he needed to purchase a large quantity of materials, and among them were some precious treasures. Even if he had money, he might not be able to get them. Thus, he needed to come up with a concrete plan.

"What are you thinking?" A familiar female voice suddenly rang out from behind Yun Lintian. He quickly turned around and saw Yun Qianxue slowly approaching him, wearing a smile.

"Mom, I need to go to the capital city to buy something." Yun Lintian stood up and said.

Yun Qianxue pulled Yun Lintian's hand and gestured for him to sit on the wooden bed. She asked, "Why do you need to go in a person? Why don't you let Aunt Meilan go instead?"

Yun Lintian shook his head and said with a serious expression, "No, we can't let anyone know about our movement. I am the most suitable person to go. I just can't figure out how to purchase it. Among them, the Heavenly Yin Iron is known to be very precious. I don't think they would sell it to me."

Yun Qianxue nodded, indicating her understanding. She asked, "How much do we need?"

"At least five kilograms." Yun Lintian answered.

Just as Yun Qianxue was about to say more, her expression returned to its usual cold and indifferent state before she spoke, "Come in."

Outside the cabin, Yun Xiaohong was startled for a moment. Earlier, she was about to knock on the door, but she heard Yun Qianxue's voice coming from the cabin, shocking her witless. She calmed herself down, opened the door, and entered the cabin.

"Disciple Yun Xiaohong greets the Sect Master." Yun Xiaohong quickly bowed her head to Yun Qianxue.

"What's the matter?" Yun Qianxue asked.

"This disciple has fed all three pellets to my sister, Yun Xiaotong, according to the instructions of Senior Brother Yun, and I have come here to report." Yun Xiaohong answered cautiously, as she was feeling extremely nervous.

Yun Qianxue turned to look at Yun Lintian curiously. The latter smiled and said, "I've told her to call me if she finished giving Junior Sister Xiaotong the pills. I need to go check on her."

"Alright, you can come see me later." Yun Qianxue stood up and vanished into thin air after finishing her sentence.

"Let's go." Yun Lintian stood up and gestured for Yun Xiaohong to come over. Both of them immediately headed towards the Recovery Hall.


"She should be fine now. You don't have to worry about it." Yun Lintian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Yun Xiaohong beside him. He had finished treating Yun Xiaotong and had expended a significant amount of his profound energy. His complexion appeared pale, and he seemed fatigued.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Yun. I'll definitely repay this." Yun Xiaohong expressed her gratitude.

Yun Lintian waved his hand dismissively and said, "You don't have to. It's just a matter of raising my hand... alright, I will go now. Making sure to give Xiaotong a nutritious meal. She needs good nutrition, and tell her to refrain from practicing this week."

"Understood, Senior Brother Yun." Yun Xiaohong nodded firmly.

Yun Lintian gave her a smile and walked out of the hall. He then made his way to Yun Qianxue's chamber once again.

When he arrived at the chamber, he saw Yun Meilan sitting beside Yun Qianxue, looking at him.

"Greetings, Aunt Meilan." Yun Lintian gave her a slight bow.

"Come, take a seat." Yun Meilan said and motioned for him to take a seat.

Yun Lintian did not stand on ceremony; he sat on the ice chair around the ice table and poured himself a cup of fragrant tea.

"I have discussed with Meilan. She will accompany you on this trip." Yun Qianxue set down a cup of tea and began to speak.

Yun Lintian nodded, "No problem." The Supreme Master, Yun Meilan, was known for her expertise in concealment and was considered the most formidable assassin in the Heavenly Fortune Nation. With her accompanying him on the trip, his safety would be more secure.

"What about the issue with the purchase?" Yun Meilan asked.

Yun Lintian smiled confidently and answered, "I think I have a plan. However, it does depend on luck to some extent. If this plan doesn't work, I will find an alternative route. Both of you can rest assured."

Yun Qianxue and Yun Meilan glanced at each other and exchanged silent nods, indicating their approval.