Lintian's Origin

"You said... Lintian could restore a damaged Profound Vein?" Yun Qingrou asked in a trembling voice. She could be considered Yun Lintian's mentor in the field of medical profound art. Of course, she understood the significance of being able to repair a damaged Profound Vein. She studied [The Remnant Record of Life] since she was young, but she couldn't comprehend the repair method until now.

Yun Meilan nodded in reply. She was also astonished when she first witnessed the miraculous operation that occurred in front of her. Yun Lintian could easily accomplish something that was only heard of in legends. If she hadn't experienced it herself, she would never believe it either.

Yun Qingrou took a deep breath and said, "I am well aware that Lintian has an unusually strong soul power that rivals that of a practitioner in the Origin Profound Realm, despite only having profound strength at the Essence Profound Realm. His comprehension is also the best among his peers. However, I never thought he could actually practice The Remnant Record of Life that was left behind by our founder to this extent. What on earth is he?"

[The Remnant Record of Life] was the unknown-grade medical profound art that was left behind by the Founder of the Misty Cloud Sect. The reason it had "Remnant" in its name was because it was an incomplete profound art. It had only one-third of its original scripture. This profound art was divided into three levels, and even the most dazzling medical genius in the sect's history could only achieve the second level. Now, a sixteen-year-old teenager managed to grasp the third level. How could they remain calm upon learning this?

"Not only that, I bet he has already learned everything from The Remnant Myriad Formation Scripture as well. You know that I can't set up the Heaven Suppressing Formation, but he can." Yun Lingwei said solemnly. She had already stopped eating at that moment.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. They watched Yun Lintian grow up since he was an infant. He had already shown his exceptional intelligence before he reached one year old. His thought process and learning progress had surpassed that of his peers, leaving them behind. Now, he had once again shocked them to the core.

"During this trip, Lintian has already realized that we are hiding information from him. He discovered that his common sense was different from that of others. I don't want to keep it from him any longer, so I told him everything." Said Yun Meilan.

"We should take the blame for this issue. We shouldn't have hidden everything from him in the first place." Yun Huanxin said softly.

Her words caused everyone to exchange wry smiles with each other. It wasn't because they wanted to do this, but Yun Qianxue forcibly prohibited them from telling him.

"Does anyone remember that day when that Senior appeared here?" Yun Ruanyu suddenly asked. She looked at everyone briefly, then continued, "I really want to know exactly what his origin is." Other masters glanced at each other, as they too had the same question in their minds.


"Mom, can you tell me now? What is the origin of this ring?" Yun Lintian asked while fiddling with the golden interspatial ring between his fingers. He was curious. Where did Yun Qianxue get this ring from? And why did she say it belonged to him in the first place?

Yun Qianxue fell into silence for a moment. She stared at him and said, "I guess it's time to tell you everything." She closed her eyes, trying to collect herself. The memory of that day resurfaced in her mind vividly, as if it had happened yesterday.

"Sixteen years ago, our sect suddenly had a mysterious visitor. Although I had never encountered a practitioner of the Monarch Profound Realm before, I believed that this person's strength would be countless times stronger than that... There was a white mist surrounding them, obstructing our view. We didn't realize she was a woman until she spoke. She didn't come alone. She brought an infant with her." Yun Qianxue looked at Yun Lintian and said, "That infant is you."

Yun Lintian was startled. He never thought there was someone with incredibly profound strength who brought him to the Misty Cloud Sect... Beyond the Monarch Profound Realm? What kind of power is that? Don't tell me, I have encountered this kind of plot where a young master from the higher realm is abandoned? That's not right! How did this necklace end up with me? His mind spun rapidly as he tried to unravel the secret behind his transmigration.

Seeing Yun Lintian touch the silver necklace around his neck, Yun Qianxue said, "That senior entrusted you to me, told me your name, and instructed me to keep you safe. She suggested that I adopt you as my foster son. I don't know why, but I believe she wanted you to live without any suffering because I could sense a hint of affection and concern in her voice. She also mentioned that I should never remove the necklace from your neck. Except for Meilan, the Four Hall Masters, and myself, no one was aware of its existence. Before she left, she gave me this ring and instructed me to give it to you when you turned sixteen. During our conversation, she didn't reveal much, but I have a feeling that she must be someone connected to our sect because I sensed a familiar aura of the Misty Cloud Profound Art."

Yun Lintian listened to her calmly, even though his head was full of questions. According to Yun Qianxue's statement, the mysterious woman brought him here and tried to ensure his safety by instructing Yun Qianxue to accept him as her foster son. However, the mysterious woman possessed such powerful strength. Why would she leave him here instead of keeping him by her side? Was she running away from a powerful enemy?

He remembered back then when he opened his eyes for the first time, and he found himself already being taken care of by Yun Qianxue. Except for the memories prior to his death in his previous life, he had no other recollections. Where were his parents in this life? Who was that mysterious woman? Was she his mother? With strength surpassing that of the Monarch Profound Realm, it was undeniable that she didn't belong in this world.

"Mom, is there any information about other worlds here? It's as if someone has broken through the void and ascended to other places." Yun Lintian asked.

Yun Qianxue frowned as she replied, "In every generation, we will pass down the sect's historical records to the next sect master. There is a small record related to the founder of our sect. It was said that one day, she mysteriously disappeared from the sect, and our ancestors back then speculated that she had possibly ascended to a higher place. I also believe this is highly likely because the Second Generation's Sect Master described the founder's profound strength as unparalleled in the world."

"Unparalleled in the world?" Yun Lintian repeated in surprise... What kind of profound strength does she possess to be described like this?

Yun Qianxue smiled and said, "Isn't it incredible?" Seeing Yun Lintian nodding his head in reply, she continued, "Actually, it's not a surprise at all. Back then, our sect was a prominent force in the Northern Continent. We had plenty of monarchs and saints in our sect. However, I don't know exactly what happened. Our sect began to decline around four thousand years ago, exactly after the founder disappeared. There was no record during this hundred-year span. It was as if someone was deliberately hiding all the information related to that era. Furthermore, our sect never looks at the disciples' talent, and we also never openly recruit disciples like other sects. Hence, we could not keep up with the talents as time passes by. From several monarchs, the number gradually decreased to a handful of saints, and finally to the current disciples of the Heaven Profound Realm. A sad expression appeared on her face as she talked about this point.

Yun Lintian understood this point. The Misty Cloud Sect always randomly recruited orphans without considering their potential. Meanwhile, other sects were screening candidates' talents first before selecting the most talented one to join their sects. This gap was the reason behind the decline of the Misty Cloud Sect.

"Mom, can you provide me with all the information about the outside world now? I know you have deliberately hidden many things from me." Yun Lintian asked earnestly.

A trace of guilt appeared in the depths of Yun Qianxue's eyes. She let out a soft sigh and said, "It's not that I want to blind your eyes and cover your ears..."

Before she could finish her explanation, Yun Lintian interrupted. "You don't have to feel sorry for me, Mom. I understand that you have goodwill. I never blamed you for this. In truth, it was my fault as well. I lacked ambition from a young age. I don't care about the outside world; that's why I never looked for it. However, things have changed now. Since the day I discovered that our sect was under threat, I realized that I needed to change. My current ambition is to ensure that our sect can survive and remain free from danger from now on."

Since the first day Yun Lintian came into this world, he had always lived in his comfort zone. The only thing he had in mind was to live comfortably and survive alongside the Misty Cloud Sect. However, his current thoughts had completely changed. After realizing the severe situation the sect was in, a flame of ambition that had been buried within his body for decades abruptly ignited, giving birth to a thirst for power. Now, he wanted to change the Misty Cloud Sect into the sole dominating faction, standing above all others.

Yun Qianxue was moved. She reached out and firmly held Yun Lintian's hand, expressing her gratitude, "Thank you for understanding me. I thought you would blame me for this."

Yun Lintian shook his head, smiling. "Can you tell me now? Why would those sects want to attack us? I don't think they are solely coveting our beautiful disciples, right?"

At first, he always believed that the Sacred Flame Sect was solely interested in the members of the Misty Cloud Sect because their main profound art was related to the fire element. They believed that by copulating with women who practiced water element related profound art, their profound strength would increase significantly and the elemental balance in their bodies would become more stable.

Yun Lintian suddenly realized that his thoughts were too naive after listening to Yun Qianxue earlier. The Misty Cloud Sect had a long history and was once a dominant force among various factions in the Northern Continent. Theoretically, the Sect should have a trump card in its possession, considering that it has managed to survive until now despite the overall decline in its strength. The Sacred Flame Sect should not be foolish enough to challenge the Misty Cloud Sect solely for the sake of women. Unless they also had something that allowed them to ignore the Misty Cloud Sect's hidden card.