
"We will reach our destination in twenty minutes." Yun Huanxin said. Her petite body sat in a crouched position, guiding a regular carriage along the road.

It had been almost two days since they had left the sect, and they were currently on their way to the Blazing Sun Mythical Realm.

Yun Lintian, who sat beside her, asked, "Third Aunt, how long do we need to stay in there? I forgot to ask about this."

"One month. After one month, you will be teleported out of the mythical realm." Yun Huanxin replied. Yun Lintian took a note, and Yun Huanxin continued, "However, there was an unusual circumstance that occurred last time. Someone tried to break through to the Spirit Profound Realm within that place. Somehow, the entire mythical realm was shaken and everyone was expelled before the time limit."

Yun Lintian frowned and asked, "Is this the first time having this? There should have been several people who tried to do that in the past, right?" He didn't believe that there were no people trying to break through in the mythical realm in the past. After all, the Blazing Sun Mythical Realm had existed for thousands of years.

Yun Huanxin explained, "Naturally, this is not the first time people have attempted to make a breakthrough in that place. But this is the first time people have been expelled before reaching the time limit. Your Aunt Ruanyu was once trying to figure out what happened. However, she couldn't find anything in the end… As for my opinion, I believe that the mythical realm is likely starting to weaken because I can sense a significant reduction in the spatial element around the gate to the mythical realm. So, I think there may be unforeseen circumstances during this time as well. You have to be careful in there."

"I understand, Third Aunt." Yun Lintian made a mental note of everything. He felt a bit worried after listening to this... Will I get lost in space if the mythical realm suddenly explodes? Damn, did I just put a flag on my head? He was somewhat paranoid because this type of event occurred frequently in the novels.

"As for seizing that supreme treasure, your Third Aunt doesn't want you to dwell on it too much. Just pay attention to your safety first." Yun Huanxin said earnestly. She watched him grow day by day since the first day he arrived at the Sect. Unbeknownst to her, she had become too attached to him and regarded him as her most important person.

Yun Lintian could see genuine concern in her beautiful eyes, which warmed his heart.

"Don't worry, Third Aunt. I love my life. I won't die easily." Yun Lintian answered in a relaxed tone. When it came to his own safety, he was confident that he could protect himself well.

Yun Lintian turned to look at a group of beautiful women inside the carriage and spoke with a serious expression, "Senior sisters, I understand that some of you may have never taken someone's life before. You only need to remember one thing, if you don't kill them, they will kill you and your fellow sisters. No matter what, never show mercy to the enemy."

The group of women solemnly expressed their understanding. It was true, some of them had never killed anyone before. Since this was their first time participating in this exploration, where several forces had gathered together, Yun Lintian didn't want to see any of them lose their lives due to a lack of ruthlessness.

These nine women were carefully selected by Yun Ruanyu. They possessed profound strength at the ninth and tenth levels of the Essence Profound Realm, which was remarkable considering their young age of under eighteen. Although they possessed such powerful strength compared to their peers, they were too inexperienced. Yun Lintian needed to clarify and emphasize what they had to do.

Two hours had passed. During this period, Yun Lintian engaged in an in-depth discussion with nine senior sisters. From Yun Huanxin's words, the entrant would be randomly sent after entering the mythical realm. There was a high chance that they would encounter an enemy right away. Yun Lintian instructed them to run as fast as possible and attempted to regroup with her fellow sisters before taking any further action.

The carriage slowly made its way through a dense forest, eventually reaching an open area in the center. Yun Lintian looked around vigilantly, sensing that the group was being observed by someone.

Yun Huanxin halted the carriage and snorted disdainfully, "Now that all of you are here, why are you skulking like rats?"

"Hahaha! My apologies, Hall Master Yun. This old one just wants to tease you a bit." Said a tall figure emerged from the distant shade behind the tree. He had the appearance of an old man in his eighties, with a long white beard and gray hair. He wore white attire with a sword symbol on his chest. In his hand was a long, exquisite sword, and his entire body emanated a strong sword intent. Although he offered an apology, there wasn't a trace of guilt on his face.

"Oh, you're still alive?" Yun Huanxin replied coldly. The man in front of her was Ji Yi, the Grand Elder of the Sword Profound Sect.

"We haven't seen each other in several years. Hall Master Yun's words are still as venomous as ever. Do you want this old one to die badly?" Ji Yi chuckled, appearing nonchalant. His eyes briefly swept over Yun Lintian as he wondered who this young man was. The disciples of the Misty Cloud Sect were famous for their commitment to purity and their practice of maintaining distance from the opposite gender. Why did this young man appear with them?

"Are you still hiding, Huo Shan?" Yun Huanxin ignored Ji Yi and spoke coldly towards a specific direction.

"I never thought it would be you who came, Yun Huanxin." A male voice echoed, and a slender figure gradually emerged before everyone's eyes. His face was skinny as his cheekbones could be seen clearly. His sunken eyes staring at Yun Huanxin as if he wanted to eat her alive. He wore fiery red attire with the words 'Scared Flame' on his chest. It was clear he was someone from the Scared Flame Sect.

"However, I am curious. Who is this young boy? I say, if you need a man, why don't you ask me instead? I am confident that I can make you feel better than that Little White Face.[1]" Huo Shan said with a grimace. He lewdly licked his lips while his eyes stared at Yun Huanxin's body.

Yun Lintian was dumbfounded. Since when did he become a little white face? This brother was an alpha male, alright?

"Hmph! A good dog doesn't block the path. Get the hell out of this lady's face!" Yun Huanxin snorted coldly. She ignored Huo Shan's taunt and urged the horses to move forward.

Ji Yi and Huo Shan narrowed their eyes. Strong killing intent emanated from their bodies as they assumed an offensive stance.

The pressure from the Heaven Profound Realm's practitioners was too great. Yun Lintian and his nine senior sisters immediately felt as if they were being suppressed by a colossal mountain, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Yun Huanxin's eyes turned cold. She waved her delicate hand slightly, and two spatial cracks appeared behind both Ji Yi and Huo Shan. Two long sword silhouettes gleaming with powerful profound energy hastily shot out from within the spatial cracks, aiming at their heads.

The expressions of Ji Yi and Huo Shan changed tremendously. They quickly conjured up a protective profound energy barrier around their bodies. However, Yun Huanxin's attack was too fast and extremely lethal. Their protective barriers couldn't even fully form in time and were shattered right away as the swords contacted them.


The impact sent both Ji Yi and Huo Shan flying hundreds of meters away before they finally regained their balance. A massive surge of profound energy erupted from both of them as they prepared to launch a counterattack. Unfortunately, Yun Huanxin didn't give them a chance. Several spatial cracks appeared around them, and multiple energy swords immediately rushed towards Ji Yi and Huo Shan.

"Don't go too far! Yun Huanxin!" Huo Shan roared desperately as he tried his best to fend off the incoming swords.

Unlike Huo Shan, Ji Yi's eyes were calm. He gripped his sword tightly as his body overflowed with immense sword intent. The moment he swung his sword forward, countless deadly beams of light shot towards Yun Huanxin's group, intercepting the incoming swords.


A deafening collision sound reverberated throughout the entire forest. The impact turning the surrounding trees into pieces and clouds of dust to fill the air. In front of Yun Huanxin, there was a grey-colored protective barrier that had completely negated Ji Yi's offensive power. Yun Lintian and his nine senior sisters were safe and sound under the protection of Yun Huanxin.

When the dust settled, Ji Yi and Huo Shan's figures could be seen in the distance. Their current appearance could be described as miserable — their original luxury attires had countless sieves on them and blood oozing out of their wounds.

Yun Lintian breathed in cold air. He looked at the petite figure in front of him with an expression of awe. He didn't expect his Third Aunt to be this ridiculously strong. She could easily suppress practitioners of the peak of the Heaven Profound Realm like Ji Yi and Huo Shan with just a wave of her hand... What kind of Gilgamesh-esque ability is that?[2] It's so cool! Yun Lintian immediately fell in love with Yun Huanxin's offensive technique.

"Do you want to continue?" Yun Huanxin dispersed her protective barrier and asked sternly. Her arms were crossed in front of her flat chest, looking at her opponents calmly.

"Hehe, congratulations, Hall Master Yun. It seems your strength has increased once again." Suddenly, an aged voice resounded from the sky as a figure slowly descended to the ground. This figure was a white hair old man clad in a luxury white-colored robe with golden embroidered. His name was Qi Hao, the Imperial Protector.

Yun Huanxin had discovered this old man a long time ago. Because of him, Yun Huanxin didn't attempt to harm Ji Yi and Huo Shan. It wasn't because he had greater strength than her, but rather because he could use his status to rally everyone to attack her for the sake of justice. She didn't want to be surrounded at this moment. At least, it should be after the opening of the Blazing Sun Mythical Realm.

"Has the Crown Prince personally come this time?" Yun Huanxin replied nonchalantly. Since Qi Hao appeared here, the Crown Prince, Qi Yuanfeng, naturally came here too.

Qi Hao laughed slightly: "That's right. Your Highness Crown Prince is personally attending this event." He paused for a moment while looking at Yun Lintian. He asked, "May I know this young man's identity?" Similar to Ji Yi and Huo Shan, he was also curious about Yun Lintian.

Yun Huanxin answered plainly, "This is our Young Master, Yun Lintian."

Qi Hao was surprised: "Young Master? Could it be…"

Yun Huanxin nodded and proudly introduced, "Yes. He is the son of our Sect Master."

As her voice fell, the expressions of Qi Hao, Ji Yi, and Huo Shan, who had just stood up, changed drastically.