Mythical Realm Open

"Has Yang Gouming visited the camp of the Misty Cloud Sect?" A dignified middle-aged man in white clothes asked while he was wiping a long golden spear in his hand with a piece of fine linen. His facial features closely resembled those of Luo Kun, who was sitting beside him. He was the current patriarch of the Luo clan, Luo Kang.

"Yes, Patriarch. He also brought his children with him." A butler reported.

"Why did he suddenly visit them?" Luo Kun frowned slightly.

The butler replied, "He went to visit a young man over there. I don't know what they are talking about, but it seems that their relationship isn't that simple because I saw Yang Gouming bow to that young man."

Luo Kang's hand stopped moving as he felt a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "Who could that be? How could a man get along with the members of the Misty Cloud Sect?"

The butler shook his head. He failed to obtain information because the isolation barrier surrounding the Misty Cloud Sect's camp was too formidable.

Meanwhile, Luo Kun suddenly had a thought. He asked, "What does he look like?"

The butler began to describe Yun Lintian's appearance.

After listening to the butler's reply, Luo Kun's eyes immediately turned cold. "It's him?"

Luo Kang looked at his son and asked, "Who is it?"

Luo Kun quickly recounted the incident that occurred a month ago in the capital city, where he encountered Yun Lintian. He explained how he had sent someone to pursue Yun Lintian, but ultimately failed in his attempt.

Luo Kang said with a tinge of shock after listening to his son's narration, "A genius doctor? You mean he is the one who cured Yang Gouming and his children? Could he even restore Yang Chen's damaged Profound Vein?"

Luo Kun nodded firmly, saying, "Definitely! Besides him, nobody dares to assist the Yang clan. I acknowledge that his proficiency in the field of medical arts is extremely high. I never thought he would appear here again... But what is his relationship with the Misty Cloud Sect?"

Luo Kang also had a suspicion about this. Just as they were lost in their own thoughts, the tent suddenly opened, and Huo Shan walked in uninvited.

Luo Kang looked at Huo Shan with a smile. He said, "What brings you here, Elder Huo Shan?"

Huo Shan sat down across from Luo Kang and said, "I have come here to ask for your assistance. I need you to join us in dealing with Yun Huanxin."

Luo Kang's brows raised slightly: "How many people over there?"

"Yun Huanxin came alone with her disciples." Huo Shan answered.

Luo Kang was even more confused at this moment. Although Yun Huanxin's spatial technique was difficult to handle, it shouldn't be necessary to mobilize a huge lineup to deal with her.

Seeing Luo Kang's puzzled expression, Huo Shan further explained, "She has already reached the Half-step Ruler Profound Realm. I and Elder Ji Yi are not her opponents. We were defeated by her a while ago." He didn't tell Luo Kang about Qi Hao's involvement because he was afraid that Luo Kang wouldn't cooperate with him.

Luo Kang didn't agree immediately. Instead, he asked, "Do you know the identity of the young man who came with Yun Huanxin's group?"

"He's Yun Qianxue's son. Yun Huanxin told us." Huo Shan replied. He was also curious about this. He didn't know if it was true that Yun Lintian was Yun Qianxue's son.

Both Luo's father and son glanced at each other in surprise. Especially Luo Kang, in the past, he was also one of Yun Qianxue's suitors. How could he not know that the famous Snow Cloud Fairy hated men to the bone? How could it possible for her to have a son?

Luo Kang stabilized his mood and spoke, "If that's the case, we should seize this opportunity to capture him alive. Yun Qianxue definitely compromises with him in our hands." He intentionally hid Yun Lintian's capabilities from Huo Shan so that he could exploit them.

"Then I'll take my leave first." Huo Shan said, and quickly left.

Luo Kang was pondered for a moment. He said to his son, "Since this young man came here, he will definitely participate in the exploration. Try your best to capture him. As for others, just kill them all."

Luo Kun smiled wickedly in response to this.


Five days passed by in a blink of an eye. During this period, the news about Yun Lintian's identity had spread among every camp. Whether it was the Li clan, Hua clan, or Chen clan, they were all eager to meet the son of the Snow Cloud Fairy. After all, Yun Qianxue was an extremely famous individual. Her fame had spread throughout the Heavenly Fortune Nation; even the younger generation had heard her name before. In the past, her suitors could easily be found across the nation. After knowing she had a son, they were upset and unwilling to accept such a heavy blow. Even though they knew Yun Qianxue would never look at them and that becoming her husband was even more impossible, they still wanted to know who the chosen one was that successfully won her over.

Yun Lintian's group finished their preparation and immediately set off toward the mythical realm's entrance by walking. When they reached their destination, several groups of people were already waiting for them.

The Blazing Sun Mythical Realm could only accommodate 100 people at a time, neither more nor less. The Qi royal clan had assigned a quota to each top force in the nation. They could bring 10 of their disciples to participate in the exploration of the Blazing Sun Mythical Realm, with an exceptional 20 for the Qi Royal Clan.

Yun Lintian saw many familiar faces such as Luo Kun, Hua Wanru, Ji Yi, and Huo Shan. Aside from them, he saw another two unfamiliar groups of people. They were members of the six major clans, the Chen clan, and the Li clan. Upon seeing Yun Lintian's group, all of them immediately looked at him attentively. Yun Lintian could feel several Spiritual Senses were rudely swept over his body.

"Hmph!" Yun Huanxin snorted coldly. Her aura burst forth, completely dispelling their spiritual senses.

"Haha, don't be angry, Hall Master Yun. Everyone is curious about the young master of the Misty Cloud Sect. After all, we are talking about the son of the Snow Cloud Fairy." The Crown Prince, Qi Yuanfeng, stepped forward and said in a relaxed tone. His gaze swept at Yun Lintian as he asked, "Fifth level of Essence Profound Realm? It seems that Young Master Yun's talent is not good. Are you sure you want to take part in this exploration?"

With his intelligence, Yun Lintian could guess the identity of Qi Yuanfeng right away. He smiled faintly and said, "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. As for my talent, it may not be exceptional, but I still want to participate in this." His voice remained calm, showing no signs of agitation, even after being insulted by Qi Yuanfeng.

Qi Yuanfeng didn't say anything further; he only chuckled softly. Seeing Yun Lintian remain calm despite being verbally insulted in a direct manner, Qi Yuanfeng gave him a high evaluation. After all, there weren't many youths around Yun Lintian's age who could endure being looked down on like this without the slightest agitation.

In the Luo clan's group, Luo Kun had been paying attention to Yun Lintian all this time. When he saw Qi Yuanfeng trying to test Yun Lintian, he immediately changed his mind and took a step forward. He looked at Yun Lintian and said, "We meet again, Doctor Yun."

Luo Kun's words instantly attracted everyone's attention. Many of them didn't know much about Yun Lintian. Naturally, they didn't know he was the miraculous doctor who had appeared in the capital city a month ago.

Yun Lintian glanced at Luo Kun and replied, "Indeed, we have met again, Young Master Luo. Last time, you sent your subordinate to escort me back to the sect. I really appreciate that. May I know if he returned to you safely?"

Luo Kun's eyes immediately narrowed. His body brimming with anger. "Did you kill him?"

Everyone present was not stupid. They instantly understood the matter between the two. Luo Kun sent his servant to pursue Yun Lintian, but instead, Yun Lintian ended up killing the servant. The way Yun Lintian spoke made everyone see him in a new light… Escorting you back to the sect? Haha! I'm afraid Luo Kun's subordinate had probably already become fertilizer under a mango tree somewhere. Everyone was amused by Yun Lintian's sarcastic eloquence.

Yun Lintian raised his index finger and moved it from side to side. "No, no. You are asking the wrong question, Young Master Luo. Since when did I say that I kill your subordinate?… From the look of you, I assumed he hasn't returned to you yet?" He then shrugged his shoulders and spread his arms innocently. "Before he left, I already gave him some money for his transportation fee. Perhaps he didn't take a carriage and still on his way back to the city?"

Just as Luo Kun wanted to say something, Yun Lintian suddenly slapped his forehead, "Aiya, maybe I give him too little… Never mind, I will burn more money for him later."


Several people burst into laughter as they couldn't hold it in any longer. At first, they were confused about why Yun Lintian gave money to Luo Kun's subordinate, considering that he had already died. Now, they were enlightened. The "money" in Yun Lintian's words referred to joss papers. [1]

Luo Kun trembled in anger. His eyes burning with killing intent. This was the second time he had been toyed with.

Seeing this, Luo Kang took a step forward and said to Yun Huanxin, "My people died in your Young Master's hands. How do you want to settle this?"

The surrounding laughter abruptly stopped as they prepared to watch a good show.

Yun Huanxin gave a chuckle: "Settle? Why don't you give us compensation instead? You sent someone to kill our Young Master after all."

Luo Kang stared at Yun Huanxin for a while. He snorted coldly, without saying a word in the end. However, when Luo Kun wanted to continue the conversation, Luo Kang raised his hand to stop him and said, "You don't have to say anything. Just make sure he cannot return from the mythical realm."

Although his voice was not loud, everyone in this place was a profound practitioner. They could hear it clearly. They glanced at Yun Huanxin, waiting for her to retort. Unfortunately, the scene they were expected didn't happen. Yun Huanxin only smiled faintly and paid no more attention to Luo Kang.


All of a sudden, a tide of profound energy surged out of the mythical realm's entrance. The stone gate at the center began to rotate slowly, emitting a white light in the middle space. The original empty space slowly filled with a curtain of white light and finally became stable, with no ripple.

"The entrance has opened. All the participants can go in." Qi Yuanfeng said loudly while looking at everyone present.

"We will go now. Take care, Third Aunt." Yun Lintian said to Yun Huanxin.

Yun Huanxin grabbed his hand and said with concern, "You have to be careful in there. Don't take the risk, understand?" Her beautiful eyes stared at Yun Lintian's face, as if she wanted to etch this image into her memory.

Yun Lintian patted her hand and replied with a confident smile, "Understood." He then beckoned the other nine senior sisters to follow him into the entrance.

"Good luck. Young Master Yun." As Yun Lintian walked past Qi Yuanfeng, the latter whispered with a meaningful glance.

Yun Lintian casually nodded his head in a reply and vanished into the white light curtain along with nine senior sisters.