Flee Once Again

Almost there. Don't you dare come back at this moment! Yun Lintian thought to himself as he gazed at the Celestial Buddha Lotus, which was just a short distance away.

He didn't let his guard down and observed the Abyssal Crocodile from time to time. Currently, it was happily hunting Song He's group of four and was unaware that the lotus it had been guarding for several years was about to be snatched away by Yun Lintian.

Come here, baby! Brother will take care of you from now on. Yun Lintian became ecstatic when he arrived at the lotus's position. He reached out his hand to grab it. However, the moment his hand touched it, the lotus suddenly glowed with golden light, causing the ancient runes on Yun Lintian's body to instantly lose their power.


The Abyssal Crocodile immediately noticed the audacious thief attempting to steal its treasure. It roared furiously and swiftly dashed toward the lotus like an underwater torpedo.

"F*ck!" Yun Lintian cursed out loud when he realized the predicament he was in. He never thought that this beautiful baby in front of him would hurt him like this. Without further hesitation, he carefully stowed the lotus away and desperately sprinted towards the shore with all his strength.

"Roar!" The Abyssal Crocodile shot out thousands of water arrows at Yun Lintian relentlessly. The only long-range attack it had in its arsenal that was fast enough to catch Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian had already expected this beforehand. He conjured a protective barrier to cover his back, while shattering a wind talisman to enhance his speed. It was the same trick as before, but it was effective enough to allow him to increase the distance between himself and the crocodile.


Yun Lintian's protective barrier was broken very quickly by the overwhelming power. When one of the water arrows struck his back, he felt an intense impact, as though he had been struck by a truck, causing blood to spurt from his mouth.

Damn it! This is more powerful than it was two days ago... Yun Lintian thought, enduring the pain in his back. He desperately fled towards the shore as the Abyssal Crocodile rapidly closed in on him. This time, it went all out to pursue Yun Lintian. The Abyssal Crocodile's spiritual sense firmly locked onto him without any distractions. No matter where Yun Lintian went, it would follow him to the ends of the world.

Everyone on the shore stopped their actions when they heard the earlier roar. Yun Chan noticed that the lotus had disappeared. She instantly guessed that Yun Lintian had successfully obtained it.

Under the combined assault of Yun Chan, Hua Fei, and Yang Ping, the three young members of the Chen clan were defeated, while the remaining members of the Li clan had fled the scene long ago, leaving only six individuals behind.

Hua Fei and the other two members of the Hua clan walked over to Yun Chan's side after disposing of the corpses. Hua Fei asked, confused, "What happened?"

Yun Chan shook her head, pretending she didn't know about it.

Yang Ping asked, "Where did the lotus go?"

"Someone snatched it away while we were fighting. Hah, did we just make a wedding dress for others?" Hua Fei said with a hint of anger. She didn't like the feeling of being used by others.

Yun Chan didn't want to dwell on this topic any longer. She said, "What is your plan?"

Hua Fei looked at her friends before shaking her head. "We don't have any plan for now. We made an appointment with our Young Mistress in the southern area. What about you, Sister Yun?"

Yun Chan pondered for a moment. She replied, "Let's go together. I am heading south too."

Following that, everyone set off toward the south direction.


While Yun Chan was discussing with others, Yun Lintian had reached the shore on the opposite side. The Abyssal Crocodile still roaring angrily from behind and prepared to climb up the shore.

Yun Lintian didn't bother about it. He poured every ounce of his profound energy onto his legs and shot forward like an arrow in the south direction.

The speed of the Abyssal Crocodile was slower on the ground. Its four feet stomping restlessly, chasing after Yun Lintian. Every tree on the path was broken into pieces by its tough body. Several profound beasts were scared away by the crocodile, and Yun Lintian got benefited from this.

Yun Lintian was now drenched in sweat, trying to escape from this predicament. His profound energy was constantly being depleted. It won't be long before he runs out of energy and probably becomes the crocodile's food. He swallowed the Energy Replenish Pill, but it didn't digest quickly enough, and his energy continued to decline.

Although Yun Lintian's heart pounding madly, his mind was incomparably calm. He had teetered between life and death countless times before, and this time wasn't anything new to him. The difference was the enemy this time possessed insanely high strength than him, to the point that he couldn't even retaliate back in the slightest.

Yun Lintian's figure zigzagging through the forest, trying his best to get rid of the crocodile. His efforts were futile because he couldn't escape from the Abyssal Crocodile's spiritual sense. Just as Yun Lintian was thinking, a group of three men appeared in his vision. Looking at their attires, the corner of Yun Lintian's mouth raised into an evil smile. He took out an iron bow from his interspatial ring, aiming at the group, and shot an arrow at them.

The three men perceived the incoming danger. They turned towards Yun Lintian's direction and witnessed an arrow piercing through the air, heading straight towards their location.


A youth with a long spear swung his spear at the arrow, cutting it in half as he shouted, "Who are you!?"

"It's me!" Yun Lintian yelled back while charging at them.

"It's him!" Another youth beside the spear youth recognized Yun Lintian. Everyone in the Luo clan had received an order to capture Yun Lintian before coming here. They naturally remembered his appearance.

"Capture him!" The spear youth ordered. The trio moved forward, launching their offensive techniques at Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian cleverly dodged the attacks while taking the Celestial Buddha Lotus out and smeared its scent on the trio's body. He then abruptly changed the direction, continuing to flee. Even though he couldn't fight them head-on, avoiding their attacks was not a problem.

"Chase!" The spear youth was furious at the outcome. The overwhelming anger made him completely ignored the fragrance and Yun Lintian's weird actions.

When they were about to chase after Yun Lintian, an angry roar rang into their ears, causing them to turn back to take a look.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several heavy footsteps could be heard along with the Abyssal Crocodile's enormous body appeared in the trio's visions.

"W… What the hell is that?" One of the trio stuttered fearfully.

"R… Run!" The young spearman turned around and fled.

"AH! Help!" The unlucky youth who had the slowest reaction was unable to escape in time as the Abyssal Crocodile leaped onto him with its terrifying mouth wide open and bit his body ferociously.

The spear youth and another youth beside him turned to look at the unlucky youth. The brutal scene in front of them immediately sent a chill running down their spines. At this moment, they didn't have any thought of helping his friend anymore. Both of them urged their profound energy and continued to escape.

The Abyssal Crocodile swallowed the unlucky youth into its belly. It looked around and sniffed the lotus's fragrance in the air for a while before it finally moved toward Yun Lintian's direction. Yun Lintian's framing trick failed to deceive the crocodile because he couldn't entirely erase his aura.


Yun Lintian leaned on an ancient tree weakly. He knew it wasn't time to think about other things. He sat down on the ground and tried to replenish his profound energy.

"Eh? It's you!" All of a sudden, a beautiful woman appeared behind a tree's shade and exclaimed in surprise when she saw Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian's eyes snapped open, looking at the newcomer vigilantly. "Who are you?" He asked.

The beautiful woman laughed slightly when she saw his body tensed up. She introduced, "My name is Hua Litong. Hua Wanru is my younger sister. I heard about you before. You are the one who gave her the detoxify prescription."

Yun Lintian didn't let his guard down in the slightest. He nodded in reply and closed his eyes, continuing to replenish his profound energy.

Hua Litong was startled for a second. She began to doubt herself. Was she not beautiful enough? Why did Yun Lintian have no reaction and ignore her like this?

Hua Litong had a well-proportioned face shape. Her eyes were clear as a spring, along with slightly arched eyebrows, cute nose, and cherry lips. She was undoubtedly a great beauty among her peers. Not to mention her well-developed body, especially in her chest area. She was even more beautiful than Hua Wanru in Yun Lintian's opinion.

It wasn't because Yun Lintian didn't want to converse with her, he just didn't bother to care about her at this moment.

Although she was slightly dissatisfied, she wasn't an unreasonable person. She could see Yun Lintian had exhausted his energy and was trying to replenish it. Looking for a place to rest briefly, she walked to a flat boulder twenty meters away from Yun Lintian and calmly sat down, waiting for him.

Five minutes later, Yun Lintian opened his eyes, taking another Energy Replenish Pill, and glanced at Hua Litong. He asked, "Why do you have to suppress your strength when you can make a breakthrough into the Spirit Profound Realm a long time ago? It will easily cause damage to your Profound Vein, don't you know?" Yun Lintian could sense a plentiful amount of energy within her body. It was evident she had suppressed her strength for a very long time.

Hua Litong smiled brightly: "As expected from a genius doctor. You can tell it at a glance."

Yun Lintian rolled his eyes. Even a fool could see it. It had nothing to do with his medical skill at all.

Hua Litong's expression suddenly turned serious. She said further, "I am worried about Wanru. That's why I have to do this and my decision is correct in the end. My goal for coming here is to eliminate Luo Kun. I heard that you are also in conflict with him. Why don't we team up?"