Land of Beyond Heaven (2)

Yun Huanxin frowned in confusion. She was certain that there was something around here earlier, but where was it now? She concentrated on searching for a trace of abnormality, but she still couldn't find it.

At this moment, Yun Lintian had no idea that his Third Aunt was looking for him as he was busy checking around the place. Currently, he stood at the shore and had an astonished look on his face with his jaw dropped. He was stunned by the heavenly scenery in front of him.

The land before him was at least several square kilometers, full of lush greenery. The grass on the ground was neatly trimmed, brimming with vitality, and there was a fertile piece of land at the end of his line of sight.

Yun Lintian could see a range of green mountains behind the lake, accompanied by a stunning waterfall. A gurgling sound could be heard as three small streams came out from the lake. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

Hundreds of meters away on his left side was a forest filling with ancient trees. When Yun Lintian carefully examined them, his mind was blown away by the discovery instantly because he recognized these trees — they were the Divine rank tree, Heavenly Sandalwood!

Yun Lintian was shocked beyond belief. Profound Spirit Lake alone was already the best of the best treasure he could find in the whole world, but now there were these Heavenly Sandalwoods too! He swallowed hard and moved closer to the forest.

Suddenly, his gaze unintentionally landed on a bamboo forest adjacent to the Heavenly Sandal Wood forest, and he was frozen in place, completely bewildered.

"S-Serene Bamboo?" He uttered in disbelief as he recognized the bamboo. They were another divine-ranked tree, Serene Bamboo.

The Heavenly Sandalwood had various benefits. It could be used to concoct a high-rank pill that improved the practitioner's Spiritual Sense and forged a profound artifact. If it were used to construct a building, it could contribute to the well-being of its occupants by promoting good health and enhancing their energy absorption rate.

Meanwhile, the Serene Bamboo mainly focused on calming people's minds and improving comprehension. There was a record where people used it to create a profound artifact, but it was a rare occurrence.

Yun Lintian was numbed beyond words at this moment. He didn't expect the cheat device he was thinking of day and night would come up with this incredible wealth. After forcing himself to calm down, Yun Lintian turned around, looking at the opposite of the forest, and he was stunned again. This time, it wasn't because he found a Divine rank tree or another Divine rank treasure, but he saw a house. More precisely, it was a three-story modern villa!

"This… My house!?" Yun Lintian uttered, with eyes almost popped out from their sockets. The white villa in front of him was clearly the house he used to live in when he was on Earth!

Yun Lintian came back to his sense. He quickly rushed toward the villa with great anticipation. There was no fence or iron gate around the European-style villa that was built on a 2,000 square meter plot. Its current appearance was no different from when it was on Earth except for the missing garden.

Yun Lintian stood before the front door with his heart pounding. He slid open the lid of a digital door lock and entered the password. With a beep sound, the door unlocked, and Yun Lintian swiftly entered the villa. He didn't even think about why there was electricity because there was nothing left to shock him after witnessing everything in this place.

He arrived in a familiar living room with smooth, white marble floors. A high-end fabric sofa on which he used to lazily lie down, a 65-inch AMOLED TV, and his beloved chandelier. Everything had remained exactly the same before he left. Yun Lintian used a remote to open the TV and found it still working fine, except there was no signal.

He went to the kitchen, opened a fridge, and saw several ingredients were still there without getting spoiled, making him confused, but he didn't think about it much. Gazing out from the kitchen, he could see a 50-square-meter pool that he used to swim in every day. Unfortunately, there was no gorgeous girl in a swimming suit for him to see.

Yun Lintian walked past the dining room with a long Thai marble table, sitting up to 20 persons, and arrived at a sculptural staircase leading to the second floor. The second floor was where his bedroom was located. He went straight into his bedroom and noticed that everything was still the same.

Yun Lintian arrived beside his 8 feet bed and reached out to a box under the bed, opening the box and saw four handguns were still there. He skillfully checked all of them and put them back into the box. Without a doubt, they were useless against profound practitioners.

Looking around the familiar room for a moment, Yun Lintian made his way towards his father's study on the third floor. After his father passed away, Yun Lintian never revisited this study room, and now he wanted to find a clue about him since he was the one who gave him the silver necklace.

The room was spacious, with extended bookshelves on both sides. At the center, there was a mahogany table with a comfortable chair positioned behind it. Yun Lintian looked around for a while, and his eyes finally settled on a small brown book on the table. He remembered there was no such a book when he locked this room up back then.

Yun Lintian took the book and opened it. "I know you would read this" was the first sentence that appeared on the first page. The corner of Yun Lintian's mouth twitched slightly when he saw this, and he felt an urge to throw the book away.

He remembered that his old man was quite mischievous, as he loved cracking jokes like this. At the same time, Yun Lintian didn't know much about him. As far as he could remember, his father was extremely mysterious. Although Yun Lintian had a close relationship with him, his old man rarely revealed anything to him.

He flipped to the second page, and there was a long paragraph written on it.

"Yo, son! When you see this book, it means you have already arrived in another world and have also activated the Gate of Beyond Heaven. Are you confused? You don't have to look around. The Gate of Beyond Heaven is none other than the silver necklace around your neck. To activate it, you need at least one Beyond Heaven Relic. I don't know which one you got, but I think you can guess by now."

The Gate of Beyond Heaven? Beyond Heaven Relic? What an awful name this is! He said I needed a Beyond Heaven Relic to activate the silver necklace... Could it be The Sun? Several questions appeared in Yun Lintian's mind. Right now, he was extremely perplexed by the discovery. It turned out that his old man was not an ordinary person, as he had suspected.

"I know you might have several questions to ask me, but unfortunately, I am no longer here. What? Do you think I am still alive, and you are the protagonist who embarks on a journey to find his father? I told you to stop reading those novels a long time ago, and you didn't believe me. Now what? Want to become a chuunibyou? Alas, I am disappointed in you, son."

$#%#@#$! Yun Lintian cursed silently but continued reading.

"Are you done cursing? Now, listen carefully. Oh, not right. Now read carefully. Congratulations, son, you have obtained plot armor! The place where you stand is called the "Land of Beyond Heaven." Don't look at me. I am not the one who named it. I think you have already guessed the name of this place. That's right, it is the space treasure that you have seen in those novels. However, it is a thousand times better than all of them."

"You might have already seen the Profound Spirit Lake, Heavenly Sandalwood forest, and Serene Bamboo forest. All of them are just trivial things. As long as you collect every Beyond Heaven Relic, it will bring you an unimagined benefit which I don't want to give you a spoiler. Otherwise, it would be tasteless, don't you think so? Therefore, your main duty is to find them and integrate them into this place."

"As for how many Beyond Heaven Relics, you have to figure out yourself. You can't expect me to tell you everything, right?… You don't have to be sad. Your old man is not stingy as you think. After reading this, you can try using your energy on the bookshelf on the left side. That is the gift I left for you."

"Lastly, I am already dead for good. You don't have to spend time thinking about whether I am still alive. Just remember, when you are strong enough, you will understand everything. Good luck, Son. — Love you. Your handsome father."

Yun Lintian put the book down. He was not in a hurry to check the bookshelf out as he closed his eyes, digesting the information. He always believed that his old man was no ordinary person. How could a high school teacher possess such a high combat prowess? As for whether or not he was still alive, Yun Lintian was unsure. He had no way to prove it, despite having seen his body and personally cremated him. If his old man was a powerful and profound practitioner, faking his death would have been a simple task for him.

At the same time, Yun Lintian felt helpless when he thought about the Beyond Heaven Relic. The information his old man gave him was too vague. He didn't even know the total number of them or where to find them.

Everything that happened today was like a bombshell dropping on him. He was repeatedly shocked to the point where he couldn't find the words to express himself, and his mind had become numb, making it difficult for him to think clearly.