
The gigantic waterfall rushed down, constantly crashing into the lake below, causing the mist to rise into the air. The enormous, deafening sound resembled the rumbling of thunder, echoing across great distances.

Under the curtain of this waterfall, a figure was swept away by the tremendous pressure, capable of shattering one's body into fragments. However, the figure did not give up. He madly continued to jump in without caring for his own safety. This figure was none other than Yun Lintian, who had been practicing under the waterfall for over two weeks. Up until now, he could not withstand standing under the waterfall for more than five seconds.

Moreover, it wasn't just him alone. Yun Qianxue, Yun Lingwei, Yun Qingrou, Yun Meilan, and Yun Ruanyu had also joined this seemingly insane practice method.