
"Brother, look at her body. She's definitely a stunning beauty!" One bandit shouted as he swung his blade at Yun Qianxue, causing her to retreat continuously.

"Everyone, work hard! We will have a good time tonight!" Another bandit yelled excitedly. His eyes were fixed on Yun Qianxue's alluring curves, unable to look away.

Yun Qianxue skillfully evaded all the incoming attacks and retaliated occasionally. Without discussing beforehand, Yun Qianxue still knew Yun Lintian's thoughts and went along with his plan. Otherwise, these vulgar men would have been reduced to pieces already just by looking at her with that lecherous gaze.

Sun Qiang observed the situation for a while before he concluded that these two individuals did not have any other companions. He rushed forward, locking onto Yun Lintian. His aura surged, and a flame ignited on his long, sharp blade.