
"You... you!" Wu Zuo paled in fright. He knew what Yun Lintian was going to do by imitating his voice. Without a doubt, he had no chance of survival.

Yun Lintian nodded in satisfaction and smiled at Wu Zuo, saying, "Alright, you can go now." Following that, he swiftly slit Wu Zuo's throat with the small knife in his hand.

"Ugh..." Wu Zuo struggled to cover the wound on his neck, but it was futile as his life force gradually left his body. His bloodshot eyes stared at Yun Lintian with fear, horror, and hatred until his last breath.

"What a mess." Yun Lintian looked at the bloodstain on his clothes and said with annoyance. He then removed the transmission jade from Wu Zuo's shoe and stored it away.

Yun Lintian didn't plan to meddle in the Wang clan's business, but there was no harm in taking this opportunity. In case he could obtain some information in the near future.