
Yun Huanxin brought Yun Lintian, Yun Qianxue, and Yun Meilan to meet Yun Lingwei at the temporary shelter located ten kilometers away from Green Leaf Town.

Upon seeing them, Yun Lingwei hurriedly welcomed and reported, "We have ten carriages prepared and ready to move at any time."

Yun Lintian looked at sixty-two women and twenty-two children, and pondered for a moment. He felt that moving with ten carriages was too eye-catching. Coupled with the threat from the owner of the sudden attack a while ago, he wished to travel as low-profile as possible. In case something happened midway, he could escape without any worries.

Yun Qianxue naturally understood this point as well, but she couldn't come up with a solution. The only solution she could come up with was to bring them into the Land of Beyond Heaven. However, it was too risky to do so.