Abyssal Energy

Yun Huanxin didn't detect anyone either. She said, "Maybe they're suffering from the profound beast tide somewhere.  If we want to know, we need to go to the city."

Yun Lintian looked around for a moment, then shook his head. "Forget it. Our purpose here is to find profound beast's meat. But I wonder if it could be eaten."

He didn't want to take risks after discovering the strange black energy within the profound beast. It might be the same as the wilted crop that could harm people after consuming. 

"We will find a secluded place first. I need to enter the Land of Beyond Heaven to check with Lynn." Yun Lintian made a decision.

Both of them traveled for hours before arriving at a three-meter-wide river with a waterfall falling from a small hill. Yun Lintian quickly decided to make this place his base as profound beasts would definitely come to drink water, and he could use this chance to kill them.