Divine Moon Profound Vein

Divine Moon Profound Vein was an extremely scarce Profound Vein. It was said only a descendant of the Divine Moon clan could have it. Yun Lintian remembered the record said the Divine Moon clan had gone extinct for a long time ago. How could this woman appear here in the Azure World?

This woman definitely has a cliche plot behind her. Maybe her parents hide her here? Yun Lintian thought.

The rabbit was anxious and let out a low cry, bringing Yun Lintian out of his own thought. 

Yun Lintian didn't know how to deal with the Abyssal Energy within her body, as she could be considered a new case. He hesitated for a second before taking out a cup of Profound Spirit Liquid and gave it to her.

A strange light flashed across the rabbit's eyes when it saw the Profound Spirit Liquid. It stared at Yun Lintian for a while and turned to its master afterward.