Trouble Comes To The Door

Chu Heng led Yun Lintian to a simple wooden house in a relatively remote place in the town. 

"Father, Mother, We're back." Opening the door, Chu Heng shouted loudly.

A while later, a middle-aged man and woman walked into the living room from the backyard. Both of them wore farming attires; evidently, they just came back from the field.

The middle-aged woman approached Chu Heng and Chu Mi, looking up and down with worry, and heaved a sigh of relief after discovering there was no fatal wound on them. "Thank god, both of you've returned safely. Mom thinks both of you shouldn't go out again from now on. The vegetables in the backyard should be enough for the four of us."

Chu Heng patted his mother's hand and said, "Don't worry, Mother. We've gained a lot of rewards this time. It should be enough for one year's worth of food." Following that, he placed a large leather bag on the ground.