Next Destination

After a while, Yun Lintian appeared in the living room and retrieved the item list that Yun Qingrou prepared for him. 

"Nine Soul Flower, Twin Souls Lotus, Thunder Grass… Thunder Grass? The Thunder Valley should have it, right?" Yun Lintian talked to himself while reading the list. It was coincident he planned to go to the Thunder Valley next. He didn't know whether there was the Thunder Grass there but didn't know where else that had such a condition for the Thunder Grass to grow.

"Just a stalk of them will do. We can grow them here. However, we don't have the lightning element here. I don't think we can grow the Thunder Grass, but others are not a problem." Yun Qingrou said on the side.

Yun Lintian nodded his head and asked. "Where are others? Have they finished choosing the profound arts?"

Yun Qingrou answered. "Yes. You should go to the Library to check them out."