Ming Wu

Yun Lintian went silent after hearing this. He suspected the Qi royal clan of having a strong aide outside the Heavenly Fortune Nation, but he didn't expect it was actually the Ming clan of Thunder City. It seemed he couldn't simply take revenge when he reaches the Ruler Profound Realm. After all, there were several Saints within the Ming clan. Just one of them could easily deal with him and his sect.

Lan Ning didn't speak further, letting Yun Lintian calm down by himself. Meanwhile, Lan Shuiying lowered her head, did not know how to say for a while. Since this matter involved the Ming clan, her strength was not enough to help Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian took a deep breath and said. "Thank you, Senior Lan, for reminding me. I know what to do."

Lan Ning looked at Yun Lintian for a moment and said with a smile. "It's good that you know. It's not too late to take revenge when you are powerful enough."