Escape With Lightning

Yun Lintian completely lost the connection when his alarm formation was dismantled by Lei Jun's bodyguards. Right now, he had no idea what happened on Lei Jun's side. A sense of urgency forced Yun Lintian to choose between entering the Land of Beyond Heaven and rushed out of here as soon as possible.

The first choice was, of course, the safest way, but Yun Lintian did not know how long he had to stay there. What if Lei Jun decided to camp here and waited for him? As for the second choice, with his speed, he had no chance to escape from the Ruler Profound practitioner like Lei Jun's bodyguards.

What to do now? Yun Lintian thought. Suddenly, he saw a lightning bolt flashed in the distance, and a bold idea popped up in his mind… The lightning element can interfere with Spiritual Sense. What if I cover myself with lightning? Yun Lintian recalled the earlier experience when he used Eyes of Heaven and failed to see those profound beasts' strength.