Childhood Sweetheart

Zhang Yuhuang was taken aback for a moment. Of course, she was aware Yun Lintian was special, but she didn't know he could actually resist the golden lightning bolt that even a Saint Profound practitioner might not able to do it.

"For real?" Zhang Yuhuang asked in disbelief.

Ding Yang nodded. "I've seen with my own eyes. He can control the golden lightning." He referred to when he saw Yun Lintian was shrouded with the golden lightning.

This time, Zhang Yuhuang was shocked. "How is that possible? As far as I know, even Young Master Lei cannot do it."

Although Zhang Yuhuang said this, she had already believed Ding Yang's words in her heart. After all, Ding Yang never lied to her before, and there was no point in him doing so.

Ding Yang shrugged his shoulders. "You asking me this? Who am I going to ask then?" He poured himself another cup of wine and continued. "Now you understand why I said he's not someone you can mess with?"