Land Of Treasure

Yun Lintian nodded his head. "Good. Throw it over."

Zhang Yuhuang hesitated. "Are you sure? It's quite heavy." She feared that Yun Lintian might not be able to handle it. After all, his strength was too low.

"Don't worry. Just throw it over." Yun Lintian smiled confidently. 

Zhang Yuhuang glanced at Ding Yang, and the latter gave her a slight nod, indicating she should do it according to Yun Lintian's request. Seeing this, Zhang Yuhuang did not hesitate anymore and threw the White Dragon Spear at Yun Lintian.


The moment Yun Lintian reached out to grab a hold on the spear, the virtual white dragon suddenly let out a deafening roar. It wasn't intended to hurt Yun Lintian, but it just wanted to test its soon-to-be new master.

Facing the dragon's roar, Yun Lintian did not have a slight fear. On the contrary, he smiled and executed the Dragon Fist in return.
