Women Talk

The meal went for two hours before everyone dispersed. Yun Lintian was a bit tipsy after taking so many cups of Over The Moon. When he returned to the inn, Yun Qianxue happened to come out of her room and saw him.

"Where did you go? Why are you drunk like this?" Yun Qianxue asked concernedly. She had been with Yun Lintian since he was an infant. This was her first time seeing Yun Lintian indulged in wine. Although she wasn't his mother anymore, she was still concerned about whether he would become a drunkard in the future.

Yun Lintian smiled and suddenly hugged Yun Qianxue.

Yun Qianxue was taken aback. Her body stiffened for a moment before relaxing. She patted his back and nagged like an old mother. "You should drink less next time or bringing me with you. Understand?"

Yun Lintian gave a light hum and fell asleep. In fact, he wasn't drunk at all, but he needed to sleep in order to recover faster.