Visiting Academy

"So this is the renowned Sky Throne Profound Academy, huh?" Yun Lintian said in a low voice while looking at a vast forest and mountain area before him. His first expectation before coming this was a place full of buildings, but the reality was entirely opposite it.

The Sky Throne Profound Academy in front of him spanned thousands of kilometers. The majority of the area was covered with dense forests and mountains. There were several extensive, simple gravel paths crossed through the woods, leading deep into the academy. 

Roughly a hundred meters away from Yun Lintian's position was an ordinary small building. It was plain without any decoration, and the materials were also common woods.

"Surprise?" Bai Yun saw Yun Lintian and Yang Chen's puzzled expressions.

Yun Lintian nodded. "I thought this place would fill with countless buildings as well as students, but I didn't expect it would be this desert and full of mountains and forests instead."