Number One Student

"Trial grounds? Well… I can't bring you to see the higher-level ones since they are restricted to the students. However, visiting the low level one is possible." Cai Xuwen said.

Yun Lintian and Yang Chen had no problem with it. They just wanted to see what were these so-called trial grounds looked like.

The group immediately set off under Cai Xuwen's guidance. Twenty minutes later, Yun Lintian and others had arrived at an opened area in the middle of the forest. At the center, a circular stone gate stood approximately three meters, and several students were standing around it while discussing among themselves.

The arrival of Yun Lintian's group had attracted everyone's attention. The nearby students looked at Yun Lintian in confusion as they discovered he wasn't a student here. However, when they saw Cai Xuwen on the side, they quickly reacted and greeted her one by one.

"Senior Sister Cai." Several students politely greeted.