Linlin's Transformation

Peng Zheng and Peng Huan would never expect the main factor in this incident was the young man they met recently. Yun Lintian's information allowed Han Bingling to catch Poison Valley off guard. 

"We better lie low during this period. I reckon Han Bingling would pull another stunner soon." Peng Zheng said further.

Peng Huang nodded his head and closed his eyes.


In a blink of an eye, another three weeks had passed by. During this period, Heavenly Cloud restaurant had gained more reputation among the middle and commoner classes as the price was cheap and the food quality was even better than those high-end restaurants.

"Headmaster, we have found their secret lair. We are waiting for your instruction." In his bedroom, Yun Lintian woke up from his meditation as he received a message. 

A cold glint flashed across his eyes as he replied. "Send me the information."