The Next Test

Chu Mi and others looked over and saw Yun Lintian's name displayed on the twentieth place with 91 points out of 100. They immediately felt happy for Yun Lintian.

On the contrary, Yun Lintian didn't feel anything special about it. He was thinking, why did he get this twentieth place as he had deliberately answered it wrong. Initially, he had estimated his ranking around the ninetieth or more than that. Seeing the result, it seemed he had greatly overestimated these participants.

Tracing up the ranking, Yun Lintian saw Qin Yiran's name in the first position with a full mark. He turned to look at her and said. "Congratulations for claiming the first position."

Qin Yiran was the same as Yun Lintian. She didn't feel it was anything worth celebrating. She gave a slight nod in reply without saying a word.