Escape From Death

Cold sweats appeared on Bai Qingyi's forehead as he smelled a stench accompanied by a hot breath behind him.


Before he could turn around, a deafening roar immediately burst out, causing Bai Qingyi to almost fly away. His long delicate hair was spraying all over the place, and it was stained with the sticky saliva of the unknown creature behind him.

At this moment, Bai Qingyi felt an intense pressure bore down upon his entire being. He regained his composure and hurriedly moved away from the spot with all his might. 


The ground shook violently by the impact; dust filled all over the place. If Bai Qingyi hadn't reacted in time, he would have become mincemeat already. He rolled on the ground several times before managing to stabilize himself. At this moment, he had time to take a glance at the owner of the attack. It turned out to be a big… No, it was a colossus black bear!