Blazing Sun Spiritual Sword

The man who appeared what no other than Peng Lu. His appearance made Yang Chen cautious. He had remained vigilant for all this time, but he actually didn't notice someone was following him.

Yang Chen swept the vicinity with his Spiritual Sense and discovered six other men were guarding his escape routes. Look like the battle was inevitable this time.

"I thought you were the weakest among your group, but it doesn't seem to be the case now." Peng Lu walked out from behind a tree shade leisurely. His entire body was relaxed, as though he were strolling in the park.

Yang Chen said nothing in return. His right hand gripped tightly on the hilt of the sword while thinking about how to get out of this predicament.

"Thinking of escape?" Peng Lu slowly walked toward Yang Chen step by step with a mocking smile on his face. He had carefully created a net to block all the paths. If Yang Chen could escape from his palm today, he'd better kill himself.