
Everyone, except for Yun Lintian, had a shocked expression on their faces upon hearing Tian Jiuyi's words. They always believed a dragon was something that existed in the legend only. Who would have thought that legendary existence was actually imprisoned here?

Yun Lintian recalled Han Bingling's words before coming here. She had told him this place had existed more than five thousand years, and she never mentioned anything about a dragon here. Why didn't she tell him? Did she really not know about it, or were there other reasons?

Yun Lintian frowned and asked. "Wait a minute. Does this Fallen Dragon have something to do with the war between Abyssal Profound Beast and humans four thousand years ago? It should be one of those beasts that escaped, right?" Since Abyssal Devourer was a part of Poison Valley, how could this Fallen Dragon, who seemed to be the big boss here wasn't one?