Fourth Sister?

The 'profiteered' woman felt someone was watching her. She turned her head toward Yun Lintian and gave him a smile.

For some reason, Yun Lintian suddenly felt as though he was being stripped naked and all of his belongings had been stolen away by her. His intuition kept screaming at him to run away as soon as possible if he didn't want to go bankrupt. 

The pretty woman laughed slightly, seeing Yun Lintian's agitated appearance. She turned her head away and continued to collect people's money.

It was at this moment, Yun Lintian recalled Murong Xue's words. His fourth sister was a money fan and likely opened a betting table around here… Is this woman my fourth sister?

"Great God Yun!"

Yun Lintian heard this. He turned around and saw Fei Mao running toward him while panting heavily.

"Hah...Hah…Great God Yun, I forgot to ask which class are you going to attend?" Fei Mai gasped for breath for a while before asking.