
"Everyone did a good job this time." In the study room, Yun Lintian put down a report in his hand and said to Yun Meilan and Yun Lingwei opposite him. "Now it's time for us to stay hidden. Tell our people to stop their actions and stay low for the time being."

Yun Lingwei was puzzled. "Why? There are still a lot of them left. Are we going to let these beasts go?"

Yun Lintian shook his head. "Certainly not."

"Then you…" Yun Lingwei frowned in confusion.

Yun Meilan suddenly interjected. "The Peng clan is suspecting us now. It's too risky to continue."

Yun Lingwei looked at Yun Meilan with eyes widened open. "How? We did everything so cleanly."

Yun Lintian explained. "It's true we didn't leave any trace behind. However, you shouldn't forget that our methods are too identical. They should notice by now, we can't confront them head-on. Which means we're actually weak. So if we continued further, it might be our loss instead."