Record Breaking

Yun Lintian was helpless. Although he knew it might be something related to that mysterious woman, he was basically clueless about her. He didn't know whether Principal Tian could give him a proper explanation regarding this matter.

Looking at the fragment of Divine Jade on the ground, Yun Lintian hesitated briefly and decided not to take it away. After all, it was useless to him at this moment and he also didn't want to destroy the training ground.

Since there was nothing to do further, Yun Lintian began to reap all the magical plants and exotic flowers in this place before finding a corner to sit down, pondering about the information Tian Zuo gave him.


While Yun Lintian was digesting the information, he was completely unaware; he had caused a huge commotion on the outside world the moment he stepped into the final ring.