
Yun Lintian put his thought aside and extinguished the fire on the ice wolf's remains before searching for its core. When he took a blue crystal bead out, he was immediately amazed by the intense vitality within it. 

Unlike those Abyssal Profound Beast Cores Yun Lintian had seen before, this one was brimming with pure vitality. Evidently, the ice wolf had grown stronger by absorbing powerful vitality directly… What kind of this treasure could produce this level of vitality? 

Yun Lintian's eyes flashed with hope. Wasn't he was looking for the treasure with high vitality for all this time? 

At this moment, the snowstorm gradually subsided, and the endless snowfield appeared in Yun Lintian's vision again. He then took a look at the wound on his left shoulder. Seeing it had already stopped bleeding, he made a simple bandage and prepared to set off.