Miserable Encounter

Although Liang San was dissatisfied with the way Yun Lintian handled this, he didn't dare to confront him. He took a deep breath and said. "My name is Liang San, a Mystery Hall student. The person earlier is Li Qiang. He's a student of the Starlight Hall. He and I have an old grudge about a woman since the recruitment day six years ago."

Yun Lintian had a thoughtful expression on his face. "Mystery Hall? Your Master is Hall Master Nangong?"

Liang San nodded his head. "That's right. Before coming here, Master has told us to assist Senior Brother Yun as much as possible. I didn't expect to meet you here this soon."

"Is that so?… Have you contacted others?" Yun Lintian asked.

Liang San smiled wryly. "As you see, I haven't done anything but run from Li Qiang."

"Contact them now and ask about their roles." Yun Lintian said and took out a chair to sit down.