The First Princess

Hongyue glanced at the crowd and let out a sigh. She muttered. "It's not fun anymore."

Hearing this, Yun Lintian chuckled and said. "I'm not surprised about this at all. You have ruined the essence of the game since the moment you decided to give werewolves the ability to detect their own kind."

Hongyue's brows raised slightly and said. "I want to make werewolves advantage and kill more of villagers. Why is it wrong?"

Yun Lintian shook his head. "You probably heard about this werewolf game from somewhere else and never played it by yourself before. Am I correct?" Seeing Hongyue was silent, Yun Lintian said further. "The true essence of this game is relying heavily on the secret of the role. You have to let everyone figure out the opposite party's role by gathering the clue bit by bit. That will make the game more interesting."