Rain (4)

Donkey led Reaper to the innermost area and began to introduce.

"This is our first prototype of a speed type." Donkey pointed at a large tube glass with a human-shaped creature floating. On the outside, this creature was no different from an ordinary human. It was difficult to imagine this creature could possess a speed rival of cheetah's.

As Donkey was about to introduce further, Reaper interrupted him. "No need to explain about it. Just tell me, can it be used now?"

Donkey paused for a moment, and a smile on his face grew wider. "It's better to see by yourself." Following that, he pressed a red button on a console before him.

In the next moment, the water in the tube glass was gradually draining away. The tube glass was also opened afterward. The human-shaped creature stood motionless before its eyes opened, looking at Donkey and then Reaper.