Rain (6)

Xiao Kai looked at the boy in surprise. The boy looked brave, but Xiao Kai could still see his legs shaking. He nodded his head and asked. "What's your name?"

"Brandon." The boy replied.

Xiao Kai squatted down to Brandon's level and beckoned him to come forward while he opened the laptop.

Brandon hesitated for a moment and walked to Xiao Kai's side. He leaned forward slightly and looked at the laptop.

Xiao Kai pointed to the map and said. "Do you see this? This is where we are right now. You can walk along this path for two hundred meters, and there will be a police station on your left. You can ask them for help. Understand?"

Brandon stared at the screen with his brows tightly locked together, trying his best to remember the map.

"How is it?" Xiao Kai asked impatiently.

Brandon nodded his head firmly. "I've memorized it."