Flame Of Vengeance (4)

Reaper put the phone away and glanced at Donkey, who was sweating nervously. "If you want to leave, then leave now."

Donkey hesitated for a moment. He didn't know which choice was better. Staying here and waiting for Reaper's helper to come or leaving this place by himself. Judging by Reaper's conversation earlier, he believed the helper should be someone from the opposite camp. It was difficult to believe they would truly help him.

Donkey gritted his teeth and hurriedly left the room under Reaper's contempt gaze. He hastily ran along the corridor, heading toward his own lab to get his research data.

At this moment, Yun Lintian's group gradually arrived at the intersection. Going in the right direction would lead them to the control room, while the left path was toward the central lab.

After checking there was no enemy around here, Yun Lintian turned around and said. "Ah'Hao and Yaoyao, you two go to the lab. Ah'Feng and I will find Reaper."