After Rain (1)

The sea of golden flame gradually receded, leaving a scorching ground behind. Lynn ignored all the potential dangers and quickly rushed to find Yun Lintian with her people.

When they arrived at the small hill razed into charcoal, Lynn saw Yun Lintian sit on his knees and holding Xia Yao in his arms. There was no injury on his body, but he was shrouded with a gloomy despair aura, as though he was abandoned by the world.

Lynn took a step forward and suddenly noticed Xia Yao's current state. Her entire body shook violently as she covered her mouth in shock. "How could it be…."

Her mind was in a mess. She didn't know what to do or say at this moment. As someone who loved Yun Lintian, she was well aware of how important Xia Yao was to him.