The WIll Of Phoenix

"Master! Has Junior Brother Yun returned yet?" At this moment, Nantian Fengyu skipped into the room with a bright smile on her face. She was in a good mood after sleeping for twenty hours straight. 

Just as Lin Zixuan was about to say something, Wu Qingcheng suddenly broke into the room and hurriedly asked. "Master, I heard that something happened to junior brother. Is it true?"

As her voice fell, the expressions of Jiang Yingyue and Lin Zixuan changed drastically. They quickly turned to look at Nantian Fengyu and saw the latter's eyes widen open in shock. At the same time, a spark of flame had slowly emerged around her and soon formed into wings of fire behind her.

Wu Qingcheng was shocked to see this scene. An ominous premonition appeared in her heart. She knew something terrible was about to happen.