The Change In The Land Of Beyond Heaven

"I didn't expect she to be such a lofty figure. Besides, her past is quite tragic." Yun Lingwei was surprised after hearing Hongyue's story. The grudge in her heart was lessened a lot.

"Hmph! She is lucky to have a good sister." Yun Huanxin snorted. Although Hongyue's past was indeed tragic, it didn't give Yun Huanxin a better impression or change her view of Hongyue.

"Would she really help us?" Yun Qingrou asked concernedly. Hongyue's identity wasn't simple at all. Forcing her to do an odd job might not be a good idea.

Yun Lintian smiled faintly while stroking Linlin's fur. "Don't worry about it. She will." 

He believed that Hongyue needed him to help her deal with her enemy in the future. Helping him train everyone here was akin to helping herself. Besides, what else could she do? Staying here and doing nothing until the end of the world? It was almost impossible for her to refuse this.