Conceptual Intent

Yu Teng, Yu Lang, and Yu's sisters were moved by Yun Lintian's words. They were indeed aware of this potential danger. They had even prepared to leave this place if Rain Woman disappeared one day.

Yu Teng took a deep breath and said tremblingly. "I thank Senior Mu. Our village would remember this kindness forever."

Yu Lang and his daughters had also expressed their gratitude one by one.

Yun Lintian waved his hand, and a few books appeared on the table. "These are top-grade Mortal Rank profound arts. You can organize everyone in the village and distribute them among yourself. I plan to stay here for a week. During this period, if you have any questions about the practice, you can come to me. I am willing to teach everyone."

Yu's family was shocked upon seeing this. They looked at various books on the table and did not know what to say. Since when did profound arts become as worthless as cabbages?