Terrifying Strength

Throughout his thousand years of experience, Yan Guangming had encountered countless top experts, but the woman in front of him gave him a different feeling. Her entire body seemed to shroud in a fog of mystery that he couldn't see through.

"Elder Yan…" Although Wu Tianwei's strength was low, only at the third level of Saint Profound Realm, he still could perceive Rain Woman's overwhelming strength. He wasn't sure Yan Guangming and others could handle her. It was best to be cautious.

Yan Guangming slowly descended from the sky and landed a few kilometers away from Rain Woman. He observed Rain Woman for a while before cupping his fists and saying. "Greetings, Lady Rain. My name is Yan Guangming from the Mystic Pavilion. We came here today with no ill intention, but rather we want to get to know your esteemed self. We have long heard about your name for the past hundreds of years…."