
Before pretending to get drunk, Yun Lintian told Linlin to find a place to hide first as he had something to do. With her ability, Yun Lintian did not worry much. However, he did not expect she would come back at this critical moment and even started sniffing around.

"Cough! It's nothing, Linlin. Big brother drank too much earlier." Yun Lintian coughed embarrassingly while secretly circulating profound energy to get rid of the smell.

Zhou Qingyu's gaze was fixated on Linlin from the beginning she had appeared until now. She could feel this "snow tiger" was not simple as she seemed to be, but she couldn't think of anything for the time being.

Zhou Qingyu retracted her gaze and said. "You should clean yourself first. I'll wait for you in the private room at the end of the hallway." Following that, she turned around and left the room.