Soul Devourer

"How come you become a coward now?" Hongyue curled her lips.

"It's not called a coward, but being cautious, alright?" Yun Lintian retorted.

"Anyway, you must check it out. Perhaps once this person got released, everyone here, including the entire island, would become his prey." Hongyue rolled her eyes.

"Right. They said they had encountered a kind of strange energy…." Yun Lintian began to narrate what An Shan told him.

After listening to Yun Lintian, the frown on Hongyue's face grew deeper. In the next moment, a certain figure flashed across her mind as she said. "I think I know who this person is."

"Oh? Who is it?" Yun Lintian asked in surprise.

"Soul Devourer," Hongyue replied solemnly.

"Soul Devourer?" Yun Lintian was startled for a moment. Last time he met Soul Reaper and Abyssal Devourer, this time he was going to meet Soul Devourer?