Turned The Tide

Scarlet Soul Emperor looked at Yun Lintian gloomily. "It's worthy of being the Beyond Heaven King's successor. However, your current strength is too weak. Otherwise, I'm sure not your opponent."

Yun Lintian took a deep breath and said. "Who are you?"

"Me?" Scarlet Soul Emperor chuckled. "People called me Scarlet Soul Emperor. As for why I am here. Long story short, I came here to find Beyond Heaven King, but I was ambushed by that bitch, Xia Nongyue."

"Find Beyond Heaven King?" Yun Lintian's eyes flashed with doubt… Why would Beyond Heaven King appear in this lower world? And how did the Gate of Beyond Heaven fall into father's hand?

"You don't know?" Scarlet Soul Emperor was surprised. He stared at Yun Lintian's face for a while and smiled. "I see. You don't know anything about him at all… Is he trying to protect his successor until the end? Hah, as expected from a coward like him." His face was full of mockery as he spoke to this point.