Incredible Breakthrough

After lying in the pond for a few minutes, Yun Lintian suddenly felt the barrier between his realm loosen. Without thinking further, he quickly circulated his profound energy according to the Primordial Beyond Heaven Scripture.

A small cyclone of profound energy gradually formed around Yun Lintian and continued to expand its size as time passed. A few breaths later, it became a twenty-meter-high cyclone, revolving at fast speed and madly gathering profound energy from all directions.

The commotion immediately alarmed Hongyue and others. They quickly appeared by the soul pond one by one and looked at Yun Lintian in surprise.

"His breakthrough has always been this violent." Yun Lingwei said.

Yun Qingrou raised her head to look at the sky and said. "Almost every bit of profound energy is gathering here."

Yun Ruanyu turned to Hongyue and asked. "Will it be a problem?"