Unexpected Guest

A week had already passed by in a blink of an eye since the Black Jade mine's incident. With Zhou Qingyu's "leaking news" operation, the current Black Jade Island was filled with various forces from all over the world, led by the Myriad Pill Palace.

During this period, Yun Lintian didn't go out much as he was aware of his own situation. As the last person that came into contact with the Scarlet Soul Emperor, he was naturally being sought out.

However, Yun Lintian knew that it won't be long before they found him. With the influence of the Myriad Pill Palace, it was difficult for Zhou Qingyu and Lei Feifei to protect him.

Knock! Knock!

While Yun Lintian was leisurely reading a book in his room, a knocking sound rang out in the door direction. He didn't think much and went to open it.