Domineering Han Bingling

"Move!" The moment Hong Wuya took his last breath, Han Bingling's figure promptly appeared above the Starry Mountain. Her eyes shone with deep blue light, and a chilling aura instantly filled the entire space. 

Nangong Xi and others were swept away by a bone-chilling wind, but they weren't angry as they stared at Hong Wuya's body, which was gradually turning into an ice sculpture in shock.

Han Bingling landed beside Hong Wuya and stared at him for a while before heaving a sigh of relief. "Thankfully, I'm not late."

As she finished her sentence, her face immediately turned incomparably cold. She swept her gaze over several academy elders and finally landed on a long-faced old man. This person's name was Xie Xingzhao, the Starlight Hall's deputy hall master.

Since Xie Yuan, the previous hall master, was killed by Divine Phoenix for being a busybody, the Starlight Hall was gradually declining. Its ranking fell from the fifth rank to the seventh rank now.